Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tommy Returns Home to Find Ramona in His Bed

When Tommy is home Ramona the cat sneaks around the house keeping a low profile so as not to excite the wild creature with the high prey drive. But when Tommy's not around, she rubs against his Kong Wubba and his purple teddy bear. Lately, she even sneaks into his bed.

Tommy does not know what to make of this. Speculation is growing she's secretly in love with him.


  1. Ha...that look. that single look says everything. Should I be good or can I get away with it?
    I know if Tigger and Tommy where to look at each other they would have the answer. It would just be a matter who got there faster.

  2. It's true: Ramona wouldn't stand a chance with Tig and Tommy together!

  3. Amazing daredevilish Ramona! I love Tommy's expression--I read it as "WTF"? Heart, Mel

  4. Mel, it does look like a WTF expression, as in "WTF? Why won't you just let me pounce on her?"

  5. I remember you telling me that TLJ chased the kitties and from the photos, it looks as if he has conceded! Kitty-cats have a way of getting to the top-dog position, Sue! You may have your work cut out for you! xo Lizzie

  6. You captured his expression perfectly! Oh my, a saga is unfolding here...

  7. Liz, I hope you're right! I have to say Tommy is still top dog, but I hope the kitties replace him one day.

    Brenda's Arizona, oh yes, could be the making of a real romance.

  8. Didn't take our Miss Daisy ( a big Golden) to learn that the kitty cats are top dog around here...

  9. I sense the beginnings of a soap opera...
