Thursday, June 23, 2011

Altadena Animals

Mama and Baby Raccoons


  1. Lucky you catching the bobcat. You are fast. What was the light color on the right front leg? if I didn't know better, I'd say it was a cast. Again, lucky you!

    back to work. The joys of pouring concrete

  2. Niiiice! Once in a while, Miss J spies some peacocks roaming the streets of Altadena...

  3. Hi Sue:
    Oh honey look at you Mrs. Doolitte! We have to laugh at all of the fun you are having with your animals. The Bobcat runs down the street and the raccoons on top of the house? And let's recall what a great photographer you are becoming with all of this writing. Love you honey and thank you for sharing California with us --there is no place more fun or beautiful, just like you!
    Love you til the cows come home sweetie.
    Much Love,
    Kristen and Brady and Finney

  4. PA, I thought you'd like that bobcat. I thought of you as soon as I saw her (him?). I didn't notice that cast-like thing until I saw the photo. It really does look like a cast - but it couldn't be, could it? Ah, cement pouring. Honest labor.

    Miss J, what a pleasant surprise! I've been told that call I hear every night that sounds like a crying cat is a peacock but I've yet to see one in Altadena.

    Kristen, yep, that's me these days: Mrs. Doolittle with her menagerie of animals. I left out the two stray pit bulls because I didn't get a good photo of them. I tried to catch them but no luck (or maybe it was lucky I didn't). Lots of love to you and your pack.

  5. The dogs the best one :)


  6. I'll tell you my bob cat story sometime. I make everyone listen to it.

  7. I've either got a crazy aunt or a raccoon in the attic. Don't know which is worse.

  8. You know I would love to hear your bobcat story, PA. I look forward to it.

  9. Hiker, uh oh. Maybe mama raccoon and her babies moved over to your house.

  10. Wow! How cool is that bobcat! I think someone wrapped his/leg up, can you imagine? Does the hawk visit regularly or did you just happen to catch her on a field trip? It almost looks like the second picture has some sort of a home set up for her. You keep making the trek to LA more interesting all the time. Love 7 miss, Cindy

  11. WOW those photos are amazing. There is something so special about living out here. This is your neighborhood. How cool is that? I can't believe you were able to capture those photos of the bob cat and the raccoon babies! Pretty special. Tommy is having the time of is life!

    So nice that he is bringing you along for the ride!!!

  12. Recently I had a raccoon scampering into my backyard. Dunno why. I hadn't ever bot any raccoon food from Petco. I blogged about Wile E. Coyote a while back. No coyotes in your 'hood??

  13. Cindy, I was sitting at my dining room table when I looked up and saw that hawk through the window. I tried to get a better shot but as I moved closer he flew away. I haven't seen him since. That thing on the bobcat's leg is a mystery. Come out and visit!

    thedogrescuers, thank you. It is very special here. Tommy loves it: so many critters to terrorize!

    Cafe, I've seen a few coyotes around but I wasn't quick enough with the camera. Next time.

  14. That's impressive photo album, Susan. And with a bobcat! I've seen lots of critters where I live, even a coyote, but no photos. I live vicariously through other's good fortune.

  15. Thanks, Paula. The bobcat was a real treasure. But taking photos does take you out of the moment. Maybe it's wiser to commune with the critters without the camera.

  16. You've got quite a menagerie up there. We have coyotes.

  17. It's the wild west up here, Margaret.

  18. Bobcat - how amazing that you saw one and got it on camera. It looks so fast and sleek...

  19. Indie.Tea, thanks for stopping by. It was amazing to see a bobcat, and right around the corner from my house. It made me a little sad too. I hope she found her way back to the mountains.

  20. I hope the bobcat found her way safely home too, Susan. You did well to catch that flying glimpse. Raccoons look awfully cute, but I'm guessing the novelty could wear off if they make themselves at home. Not unlike my adopted posse of possums, who sound like a tribe of pygmies break dancing on my tin roof when the mood takes them.

  21. Do you think someone took it in and nursed it back to health? Mr V knew someone who had found a bob cat kitten in Topanga. He kept it in his apartment until the cat took a swipe at his face and tore his nostral up.

  22. Shell, Ella must enjoy the possum posse. I woke up to the faint smell of skunk, and I'm praying one hasn't set up camp in the crawl space under my house.

    PA, I'm not sure what to make of the bobcat mystery. I called LA Animal Services to see if they had any info about a hurt bobcat but the woman on the phone was about as warm and helpful as someone at the DMV. She spoke to me like she thought I was an idiot and said if a hurt bobcat was found it would be euthanized.

    I should post the picture on Altadenablog and Patch.

  23. great pics, but, TLJ's getting a but chunky??? LOL !!! :)

  24. jen, he does look kinda chunky in this pic now that you mention it, but he's really quite svelte these days. Don't believe me?! I'll email a photo for proof.
